Professional Coaching

Alternatives to Goals

Goals Are Rarely Enough

People fixate on goals, and it’s easy to understand why. Many don’t realize there are alternatives to goals. And I’m not talking KPIs or OKRs either. To me, these are still goals, just better dressed. I’m talking something different. Imagine a tapestry of constructs that can be interwoven to better achieve progress. So today let

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What Is Discipline?

I spent a decade in the Marine Corps, and there’s a lot of about discipline that most people misunderstand. I’ve come to realize this from the number of clients who have hired me specifically to help them apply discipline to their decisions both personally and professionally First, discipline is never loud, assertive, or attention seeking.

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Levels of Coaching

The Four Levels of Coaching

When I first meet with clients, we talk about the difference between mentoring and coaching. These two spaces share a lot in common so they’re easily conflated, and I’ve shared previously my pithy way of approaching the topic: Mentors answer questions. Coaches question answers. Even after we had talked it through, clients would struggle. I

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